Products & Patents

Over the past 20 years Michael Cagan has been responsible for the design and creation of 5 patented products.  These range from electrical, mechanical and manufactured products.  See some of these products below.


Protec3 PostMaster is the perfect B2B management tool for all logistic purposes.  A motorised lock that can be opened using QR code or remote order, it has movement detection and full Cloud based support.

 With its on IoT and M2M technology, it offers a serious, safe and dependable product for improving your customer service.

More information: 

What the lndustry Needs …
Finally, a can, can be sealed from carbonated drinks to solid goods. REAL adds the advantage of being system compatible. For the same cost, or less to the limited one time open option “SOT”, you can now close your can with REAL. A real option for the can world !

System Compatibility + Re-Sealable = $$$

Cans are in and plastic is out. The market is demanding options to replace the damaging effects that plastic has on our environment. A can takes 30% less space to transport, has the largest recycling rate, insures maximum product quality experience and has an unmatched product display.

Re-sealable End Application for liquids foods
Re-sealable End Application for solid foods

The first paper rucksack to go to market – the Patent was sold shortly after it was created. A highly successful product in its own right, the product won first prize in an international competition run by the SCA paper industry association in Vienna, Austria. Michael Cagan still holds the rights to sell the product, which is in demand in the advertising and promotion industry.

The first Patent development that led eventually to the development of the ‘Real’ can system. This patent is co-held by three companies, MC Patent AG, Regensburg Investment Group and Vantages AG (capital investment company of the Nestle Group).


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